Theoretical Considerations in Developing Adequate Practices towards Building Literacy Skills in Bilingual Preschool Children


  • Ángela K. Salmon


Literacy, Knowledge Background, Second Language, Foreign Language, Language Acquisition, Language Learning, Bilingual Contexts


This paper explores the notions related to the acquisition or learning of a second language, and the implications of such a learning/acquisition process in preschool programs. Current theories explaining the process of natural language acquisition by children are explained, as well as the implications of a second language. After analyzing recent theories and research on bilingual education and literacy, the author highlights the importance of creating contexts favorable to the acquisition of language, reading and writing skills. The key element to create a classroom centered on the student is to be able to gauge the social, cultural and linguistic backgrounds of children. It is thus important to be familiar with the child's family environment, and his/her knowledge of everyday life.

How to reference this article:

Salmon, Ángela K., “Consideraciones teóricas para fundamentar prácticas adecuadas para el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura en niños preescolares bilingües”, Revista Educación y Pedagogía, Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Educación, vol. XX, núm. 51, (mayo-agosto), 2008, pp. 165-173.

Received:  november 2007

Accepted: january 2008

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Author Biography

Ángela K. Salmon

Doctora en Educación, Profesora de la Universidad Internacional de la Florida 


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How to Cite

Salmon, Ángela K. (2011). Theoretical Considerations in Developing Adequate Practices towards Building Literacy Skills in Bilingual Preschool Children. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 20(51), 165–173. Retrieved from