Results analysis of test PISA 2006: traveling on the opposite paths of privilege and precariousness
Education assessment, education in Colombia, education in Finland, PISA 2006, education qualityAbstract
Results of PISA 2006 international test were recently published. Suitability of Colombian teachers and students is relentlessly questioned, when comparing the success of the countries leading the ranking. Validity and pertinence of this evaluation -which is measuring with the same scale for students from 57 countries around the world- is questioned here, even more so when many of the countries compared are located on opposite ends of the scales of equity, opportunities, and level of importance in the formulation of social and public policies.
How to reference this article:
Gómez Yepes, Ricardo, “Análisis de los resultados de la evaluación PISA 2006: un recorrido por los caminos opuestos del privilegio y la precariedad”, Revista Educación y Pedagogía, Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Educación, vol. XX, núm. 50, (enero-abril), 2008, pp. 123-140.
Received: august 2007
Accepted: december 2007
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