Oriente Próximo: caleidoscopio de conflictos


  • Sergio Cano Rendón San Martín University Foundation, Yurupary Academy




Western Asia, Promised land, fitna, well guided Caliphate, sunnis, shiites, Kurdistan, salafists, jihadists, Sykes-Pikot agreement, Treaty of Sèvres, Baaz, Islamic State, the Levant (ISIL or ISIS)


This article seeks to present that the socalled Middle East conflict is not just a conflict with multiple edges, but several conflicts that converge or intersect, through a brief panning through history, to find motivation in remote, close and immediate causes with various triggers. Besides its causes and facets are not only external (only on arrival of Western European and North American) but also to internal remote causes in the century- old conflict between Sunnis and Shiites, where religion and politics form an inextricable knot in the way to understand its history.


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Author Biography

Sergio Cano Rendón, San Martín University Foundation, Yurupary Academy

Asia Emphasis Professor for Finance and I.R. at the San Martín University Foundation. Professor of History and History of Religions at the Yurupary Academy.


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