The alms of the I Duke of Medina Sidonia to the Monastery of Guadalupe. The mortgage of the Almadraba de Conil. S. XV-XVIII


  • Luis Parejo Fernández University of Seville, Casa Medina Sidonia Foundation



Dukes of Medina Sidonia, Hieronymite order, donations, alms, tuna


The objective of this article is to make a general study of the relationships maintained by the ducal house of Medina Sidonia and the monastery of Our Lady of Guadalupe, through the alms that the dukes granted in the middle of the 15th century to the religious of the Hieronymite order. The payment, which initially was 15 dozen of tuna, became an uncomfortable burden over the years, especially since the number of catches of tuna began to fall. The shortage of tunas, the commitments and the debts that the Pérez de Guzmán were accumulating, caused that both institutions ended up litigating. Through this work, we will know the defense strategies that both parties developed to maintain their interests, the donations made by the Medina Sidonia, the number of tuna caught in the trap and the delivery procedure of the tunas.

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Author Biography

Luis Parejo Fernández, University of Seville, Casa Medina Sidonia Foundation

Researcher, archivist and librarian at the Casa Medina Sidonia Foundation.


Archivo General de la Fundación Casa de Medina Sidonia, fondo Medina Sidonia.

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