Entre ordem, vínculo social, conflito e poder. Abordagem histórica do conceito de controle social e análise dos seus usos historiográficos
controle social, vínculo social, conflito, ordem social, legitimidadeResumo
Este artigo pretende contribuir para uma maior clareza conceitual em torno do conceito de controle social, conceito de uso frequente, mas cuja própria historicidade nem sempre é considerada. Para este fim, revisamos trabalhos que o desenvolvem teoricamente de diferentes formas: como função, como gerador de vínculo social, associado à resolução de conflitos e como forma de poder. Posteriormente, alguns trabalhos históricos que usam o conceito são analisados. O artigo primeiro estuda o desenvolvimento histórico do conceito e, em seguida, examina algumas das maneiras pelas quais ele foi aplicado para analisar as ordens sociais passadas.
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Foyster, Elizabeth. “Male Honour, Social Control and Wife Beating in Late Stuart England”. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 6 (1996): 215-224.
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Greenberg, Douglas. “Crime, Law Enforcement, and Social Control in Colonial America”. The American Journal of Legal History 26.4 (1982): 293-325.
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Hirschi, Travis and David Rudisill. “The Great American Search: Causes of Crime, 1876-1976”. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 423 (1976): 14-22.
Issel, William. “Americanization, Acculturation and Social Control: School Reform Ideology in Industrial Pennsylvania, 1880-1910”. Journal of Social History 12.4 (1979): 569-590.
Janowitz, Morris. “Sociological Theory and Social Control”. American Journal of Sociology 81.1 (1975): 82-108.
Kuhn, Lara Helena. Social Control and Human Nature: What is it We are Controlling? El Paso: LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC, 2009.
Marín Hernández, Juan José. “El control social y la disciplina histórica. Un balance teórico metodológico”. Revista de Historia de América 129 (2001): 31-71.
Mead, George Herbert. Espíritu, persona y sociedad. Desde el punto de vista del conductismo social. Buenos Aires: Paidós, 1972.
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Mead, George Herbert. “The Genesis of the Self and Social Control”. International Journal of Ethics 35.3 (1925): 251-277.
Melossi, Dario. El Estado del control social. Un estudio sociológico de los conceptos de Estado y control social en la conformación de la democracia. México: Siglo XXI, 1992.
Messner, Steven F. y otros. “The Legacy of Lynching and Southern Homicide”. American Sociological Review 70.4 (2005): 633-655.
Oliver Olmo, Pedro. “El concepto de control social en la historia social: estructuración del orden y respuestas al desorden”. Historia Social 51 (2005): 72-91.
Parsons, Talcott. The Social System. London: Routledge, 1991.
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Phillips, David Charles. “Exploring Relations among Forms of Social Control: The Lynching and Execution of Blacks in North Carolina, 1889-1918”. Law & Society Review 21.3 (1987): 361-374.
Pound, Roscoe. Social Control Through Law. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1997.
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Reiss, Albert J. “Delinquency as the Failure of Personal and Social Controls”. American Sociological Review 16.2 (1951): 196-207.
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Salvatore, Ricardo D. y Carlos Aguirre. Eds. The Birth of the Penitentiary in Latin America: Essays on Criminology, Prison Reform, and Social Control, 1830-1940. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1996.
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Strauss, Anselm. “Introduction”. The Social Psychology of George Herbert Mead. Ed. Anslem Straus. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1956.
Szuchman, Mark D. “Disorder and Social Control in Buenos Aires, 1810-1860”. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History 15.1 (1984): 83-110.
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White, Harrison C. Identity and Control. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008.
Wiatrowski, Michael David. “Social Control Theory and Delinquency”. Tesis de doctorado en Estudios Urbanos, Portland State University, 1978.
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