University libraries and automation: an overview of Mexico City


  • Oscar Arriola Navarrete Escuela Nacional de Biblioteconomía y Archivonomía
  • Graciela Tecuatl Quechol Escuela Nacional de Biblioteconomía y Archivonomía



university library, automation of libraries, comprehensive systems of library automation, Metropolitan Area of Mexico City


After providing an overall context of higher education in Mexico we present an overview of the automation of academic libraries in the metropolitan area of Mexico City, particularly as they relate to the concept of a Comprehensive Automated Library System – SIAB. Through the use of a questionnaire and observation we give an account of the systems used, migration processes, use times, methods of acquisition, modules implemented, levels of knowledge and operation, and degree of satisfaction. We found that most libraries have a SIAB, the most commonly used being SIABUC, ALEPH and LOGICAT. However, it appears that the degree of implementation is low, mainly due to a lack of personnel training. In many instances only a limited level of automation was achieved because of the high cost of both the system and its maintenance. A further obstacle to automation is a lack of knowledge about the existence of free software. Only one library had installed software of this kind.

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Author Biographies

Oscar Arriola Navarrete, Escuela Nacional de Biblioteconomía y Archivonomía

Teacher, Escuela Nacional de Biblioteconomía y Archivonomía, Mèxico D.F., México

Graciela Tecuatl Quechol, Escuela Nacional de Biblioteconomía y Archivonomía

Teacher, Escuela Nacional de Biblioteconomía y Archivonomía, México D.F., México


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How to Cite

Arriola Navarrete, O., & Tecuatl Quechol, G. (2011). University libraries and automation: an overview of Mexico City. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 34(2), 129–146.


