Information policies under Argentine law


  • Verónica Gauchi Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata



access to information, right to information, information policy, Argentina


order to characterize the protection that information policies have under Argentinean law we present the manner in which they are understood by the country’s culture, a conceptual map that establishes its characteristics, the origins and special features of the right to access information and the most important lawsuits that have taken place in the country in the last decades as regards this topic. We attach a systematic compilation of the basic regulations that have legal applicability in the field of what can be called right to information. This compilation brings together those rules related to individual units of information and the media. It also presents those rights that could be considered related, within the territory of Argentina, such as intellectual property rights.

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Author Biography

Verónica Gauchi, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

Professor of the Documentation Department, Faculty of Humanities, National University of Mar del Plata. Mar del Plata, Argentina.


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How to Cite

Gauchi, V. (2011). Information policies under Argentine law. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 34(2), 157–176.


