Bachelor thesis in library science and documentation, National University of Cordoba, Argentina 1996-2012
dissertations, degree reports, bachelor of Library Science and Documentation, Scientific Research, Scientific Production, Research dissemination, Córdoba, ArgentinaAbstract
The aim of this article is to analyze the research in library science and documentation developed by the Faculty of Library Science at the National University of Cordoba (UNC). This is carried out by studying dissertations submitted to qualify for the bachelor’s degree in the aforementioned subject. A total of 27 dissertations submitted between 1996 and 2012 were examined. An exploratory study was used with a quantitative approach where the following were investigated: the visibility and accessibility of these theses on web; metadata records in catalogs and repositories; the number of thesis written per year; the amount of graduates per year, authors per thesis and dissertations with directors and co-directors; the number of theses directed by each director/co-director; the degree of concentration of the thesis directors; the institutional affiliation of directors/co-directors; and the thematic distribution of content according
to areas of MERCOSUR and keywords. It was concluded, among other things, that dissertations in library science at the UNC have poor accessibility, many are from the area of information treatment and management, and there is a marked trend towards producing articles related to the university and especially to university libraries
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