Informational Competence in Community Library City Bogotá: Profile Informational and Training Proposal
information literacy, information skills development, training of trainers, community libraryAbstract
The development and mass use of TIC's, as well as the changes occurred in the way people and organizations connect (relate) with the information and knowledge have generated new challenges for citizens of the XXI Century, who should constantly update their knowledge, (knowledge throughout life) and they should have good skills in order to share, create, search, analyze, represent, evaluate and use information for tackling problems and needs that appear in daily life. This paper presents the results of the research "Proposal of Formation for the Development of Informational Competency in Community Librarians of Bogotá". In the research we worked with 42 community librarians from different neighborhoods and 12 students of tenth semester of the Systems of Information and Documentation program. These students participated in the implementation and validation phase of the formation proposal. In the first part of the paper, we present a a contextualization of the research and the methodology used. Afterwards, we state the findings, regarding informational profile of the librarians and several elements on which the formation proposal was structured. In the last part , we draw some conclusions obtained from the process.
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