Capacity measurement and use of library collections and their interaction with teaching and research at EARTH University (Costa Rica).
University libraries, ollection development,, ollection management, ollection assessment, bibliometricsAbstract
This paper presents the advances in the results of the first stage of a research on the development of collections, which is carried out in the library of EARTH University (Costa Rica). The main hypothesis consists of showing that interaction between teaching-learning and research processes are observable and measurable from the point of view of library collections. The used method, focused on the materials, is based on the analysis of quotations and the study of uses, with contributions of indicators that have facilitated the analysis and interpretation of results. This will allow a comparison with other studies. With regard to the focus of the study of processes, it allows to gather data for the creation of indicators to measure behaviors and phenomena both of collections and uses and users. Thus, it is made an interactive system able to make decisions to improve the adaptation of collections both to the scientific environment and to the uses and users. Among others, the results show that the library must improve the support to the research as well as the interaction and integration with the syllabus, and profit from the use of technology. The conclusions present the verification of established hypotheses with regard to capacity and use of physical and electronic collections, and new methodological contributions of scientific environment analysis in the subject field in which the library W. K. Kellogg provides its services.
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