
  • Johann Pirela Morillo Universidad del Zulia




Conceptual-explanatory system, Cognitive mediation processes , Knowledgeorganizations


This article presents a conceptual-explanatory proposal relating to mediation processes in the knowledge organizations of the cybersociety. Libraries, archives, and information centers are conceived as knowledge organizations, with the understanding that these services work with a particular type of knowledge, that which has been systematized and articulated in printed or digital supports, and are therefore objective by nature and the product of complex mental processes, according to Popper (1992). The system derives from a theoretical and documentary study of the impact that cyber society is generating in the process of creating, processing, and utilizing knowledge. Beginning with this reality, the functions of the information professionals, and the institutions in which the system is operative, undergo semantic changes. The system of concepts was developed using interdisciplinary focus criteria and systems theory. Thus, the various perspectives of information science, communication science, and the cognitive sciences come together. The proposed system is composed of macro components, or teleological, that refer to the general and orientation principles seen in knowledge organizations. Also included are meso-components and micro-components that bring to reality a certain type of mediation in such organizations.

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Author Biography

Johann Pirela Morillo, Universidad del Zulia

Bachelor of Library Science, University of Zulia. Master of Scientiarum in Museology, National Experimental University "Francisco de Miranda". PhD in Human Sciences. Thesis with mention of publication, University of Zulia, Director of the School of Library Science and Archivology, University of Zulia kikepirela@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Pirela Morillo, J. (2009). A CONCEPTUAL-EXPLANATORY SYSTEM ON THE MEDIATION PROCESSES IN THE KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATIONS OF THE CYBERSOCIETY. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 29(1), 103–122. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rib.1973


