Terminology, Family, Gender, Documental research, Multidisciplinarity, Specialized LanguageAbstract
This article describes the multidisciplinary, creative, and innovative nature of a project that is new, both in content and methodology, for the Spanish Language. The project integrates the Social and Information Sciences in the production of a resource that will be useful for society in general. With this project, the Centro de Investigaciones Sociales y Humanas –CISH- (Research Center on Social Sciences and the Humanities), and the Department of Social Work, Universidad de Antioquia, continue their work on the line of documental, lexicographic, and terminological research that had been started with the project Guia Tematizada Familia y Género, Tesauro Colombiano en Familia y Género, and Diccionario Especializado de Trabajo Social. The Inter-American School of Library Science, Universidad de Antioquia, has participated in all the projects. The project deals with the dialectic relationship between Family and Gender, disciplines that are relatively new, but that are scientifically studied. With a multidisciplinary approach, the specialized literature in common use and accepted by the academic community, and produced between 1990-2005 was analyzed. The result is an innovative dictionary with 170 terms, in which the system of concepts is created neologisms are ratified, and in which ambiguities, polysemy and inadequate use of the mother tongue become evident. In the process, the software packages Cratilo and Trados Multiterm were used, as was the COLTERM format. This is a specialized reference work (monolingual in Spanish with English equivalent) that includes created basing on the terminology of the field.
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Tutorial Pavel de Terminología. Canadá [Consulta Febrero 1 de 2006]