Marketing of Nostalgia: A Proposal for the Photographic Archive of the Pilot Public Library of Medellin
nostalgia, marketing, marketing of nostalgia, photographic archive, Photographic Archive Pilot Library of MedellínAbstract
This article reflects on the “marketing of nostalgia” and presents a theoretical reference of the main concepts of this marketing strategy. The result is an exhaustive bibliographical revision carried out using a variety of different sources of information, such as bibliographic databases, electronic books and magazines, institutional repositories, and blogs. A proposal of marketing of nostalgia is put forward to promote the services and products of the Photographic Archive of the Pilot Public Library of Medellín for Latin America, as develops its collections with a focus on heritage, conservation and preservation. We conclude that a marketing of nostalgia strategy would appropriately disseminate the products and services of this type of information, as photographs are of great importance to people’s lives and reflect significant instants and moments, which can bring up feelings of nostalgia.
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