University Students’ Library Anxiety
library anxiety, university students, data users, college libraries, library services, studies of usersAbstract
This research aimed to respond a question regarding the level of Anxiety of university students at a private University in the northeast of Mexico based on gender, academic level and age. The study is based on a quantitative approach and used multidimensional library anxiety scale data collection. The sample included 391 students, and results indicated that the level of students’ general library anxiety at the university where this research was conducted is low. The three dimensions that had the greatest impact on general library anxiety were the convenience of technology and online access, general library anxiety and research, and library service. Finally, we found no significant difference in students’ library anxiety levels based on gender; postgraduate students had lower library anxiety levels than undergraduates, and students under 25 had a higher level of library anxiety than 25-year-old students or older.
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