Documentary content analysis and terminology normalization in Bogotá libraries
document analysis, libraries, library science research, Bogotá (Colombia)Abstract
Presents the overall results of an investigation conducted by teachers linked to the Department of Information Science from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, designed to identify the methodology and practice of documentary analysis of content in some units of information from the city of Bogotá D. C., as well as terminology standardization in such libraries. The libraries, in its administrative organization, have with a section devoted to the organization of documents, a process that involves aspects of bibliographic description and analysis of the content. This section is known in the libraries as the «technical processes». This research focuses on this part of the library and specifically in the assessment of a process called content analysis of documents. Additionally, it is one of the few studies that have been made in Bogotá about documentary on the organization, activity, which increasingly takes more significance due to given its importance for the retrieval of information in databases and on the Web.
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