Proposal and Legitimation of Multicriteria Model for the Innovation Management in Libraries


  • Murilo Mauro Silveira Federal University of Santa Catarina
  • William Barbosa Vianna Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Ana Clara Cândido Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Innovation in libraries, innovation management, multicriteria model, Delphi technique


The objective of the study is to propose and legitimize with the library specialists of the southern region of Brazil a formal multicriteria model for the implementation of innovation management in libraries. The importance of this research is justified by the lack of empirical studies for the implementation of innovation management in libraries as well as the participation of decision makers in this process. Regarding methodological procedures, it is characterized by its qualitative, exploratory about the object of this study, makes use of the Mutiritary Methodology in Decision Support - Constructivist (MCDA-C). Finally, the Delphi technique was used to legitimates the proposed model, with the participation of librarian specialists/managers. The results pointed to the robustness of the theoretical model by agreement with 40 elements and alerted to 2 critical points.

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Author Biographies

Murilo Mauro Silveira, Federal University of Santa Catarina

Master's student in Information Science and graduated in Librarianship at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). Specialist in Quality Engineering, Sociesc. Florianópolis - Brazil.

William Barbosa Vianna, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

PhD in Production Engineering and Master in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). Professional Master's in Administration (USF). Graduated in Philosophy, Dom Bosco Catholic University (UCDB). Coordinator of the Undergraduate Course in Information Science at UFSC. Florianópolis - Brazil.

Ana Clara Cândido, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

PhD in Technology Assessment - Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Master in Economics and Innovation Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Porto. Bachelor in Economic Sciences, Regional University of Blumenau Foundation. Currently a professor at the Department of Information Science, Federal University of Santa Catarina. Florianópolis - Brazil.


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How to Cite

Silveira, M. M., Barbosa Vianna, W., & Cândido, A. C. (2019). Proposal and Legitimation of Multicriteria Model for the Innovation Management in Libraries. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 42(3), 223–234.


