Editing Publications. Study of the Recensio in the Novel El Zarco by Tomás Carrasquillas


  • Edwin Carvajal Córdoba University of Antioquia




Editing publications, textual criticism, recensio, colombian literature, El Zarco, Tomás Carrasquilla


This article presents the analysis of recensio in the novel El Zarco (1922) by the Colombian writer Tomás Carrasquilla, in the line of editing literary publications. This study is made from the theoretical-methodological approach of textual criticism, specifically, from the recensio stage, with the purpose of restoring the novel in a critical edition according to the last will of the writer. In this way, a description of the moments of the recensio will be presented, such as the search, collection, description, systematization, history and affiliation of the testimonies of the textual tradition of El Zarco, with its respective analysis and philological interpretation with the purpose of determining the relationships and transformations experienced by the different testimonies of the novel in its textual transmission or editorial history of this publication.

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Author Biography

Edwin Carvajal Córdoba, University of Antioquia

D. in Theory of Literature and Art and Comparative Literature from the University of Granada, Spain; member of the Literary Studies Research Group (GEL) and the International Center for European Studies and the Americas (CEYLA). Academic areas: critical editions and Hispanic American literature, Professor of the Department of Linguistics and Literature, Faculty of Communications, University of Antioquia, Medellin - Colombia.


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How to Cite

Carvajal Córdoba, E. (2020). Editing Publications. Study of the Recensio in the Novel El Zarco by Tomás Carrasquillas. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 43(2), eI7/1 - eI7/13. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rib.v43n2eI7


