Credibility of Information in Covid-19 Times




fake news, post-truth, infodemia, disinformation, information check, credibility of information


This reflection study is exploratory and descriptive. As a objective, we sought to verify elements that make it possible to assess the credibility of the information available on the Web. To meet the proposed objective, a literature review was applied in order to identify publications that deal with the topics: fake news, Post-truth, Infodemia, Misinformation, Checking and Credibility of information. It is concluded that the fact-checking method was considered valid in the content accreditation, since it starts from checking the entire informational context, going through validation steps, which allows the transparency of the method and the sources checked. Due to a large amount of information available on the internet, the practice of content checking has become necessary for the verification and certification of publications, relevant to the public interest, combating fake news and the movement of infodemia, and disinformation in today's society.

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Author Biographies

Juliana Fachin, Federal University of Santa Catarina

PhD candidate and Master's student in the Graduate Program in Information Science at UFSC. Bachelor's degree in Librarianship from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Managing editor at Revista Ágora.

Nelma Camelo de Araujo, Federal University of Alagoas

PhD and master's degree from the Graduate Program in Information Science at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, adjunct professor and coordinator of the Library Science course at the Federal University of Alagoas.

Juliana Carvalho de Sousa, State University of Rio Grande do Norte

Doctoral student in Administration at Potiguar University (UNP). Master in Administration from the State University of Ceará (UECE). Specialist in Strategic Management of People and Organizational Leadership from Faculdade Vale do Jaguaribe (FVJ). Substitute teacher at the Rio Grande do Norte State University (UERN) and member of the Bank of Evaluators of the National System for Higher Education Evaluation (BASis - INEP).


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How to Cite

Fachin, J., Camelo de Araujo, N., & Carvalho de Sousa, J. (2020). Credibility of Information in Covid-19 Times. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 43(3), eRf3/1 - eRf3/11.


