Evolution and trends in the teaching of knowledge management and its relationship with postgraduate programs in library and information sciences


  • Nitza Hernández López
  • Eliut Flores Caraballo Universidad de Puerto Rico
  • Carlos Suárez Balseiro Universidad de Puerto Rico




knowledge management, multidisciplinary studies, teaching of knowledge management, curriculum review


This research complemented a previous study conducted by the same authors who confirmed the feasibility of establishing a Knowledge Management (KM) academic program in order to position this new professional and academic field in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean region. The study was conducted in the context of the curriculum review process of the Graduate School of Information Sciences and Technologies (GSIST) to open up a pathway or track on KM within the Master’s Program in Information Science. The main objective of this study was to learn about the evolution of KM education in higher education institutions, and its relationship with Library and Information Science (LIS) programs and other faculties. The study was exploratory and used a qualitative methodology. It was based on a wide literature review and a comparative analysis of selected academic programs and specializations in KM. The programs that were examined support previous observations that a KM academic program responds in nature and content to the type of department or school that offers it. Universities interested in developing a KM program would need to assess their major competencies and determine which aspects of KM they would like to explore.
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Author Biographies

Nitza Hernández López

Principal Investigator. PhD in Communication. Professor at the Graduate School of Information Sciences and Technologies (EGCTI), University of Puerto Rico. San Juan Puerto Rico. nmhernandez@upr.edu

Eliut Flores Caraballo, Universidad de Puerto Rico

Co-investigator. Doctor in International Communication and Latin American Studies. Professor of the Graduate School of Information Sciences and Technologies (EGCTI), University of Puerto Rico. San Juan, Puerto Rico.eliut.flores@upr.edu, eflores@kmanagement.com

Carlos Suárez Balseiro, Universidad de Puerto Rico

Co-investigator. Doctor in Documentation. Professor of the Graduate School of Information Sciences and Technologies (EGCTI), Coordinator of the OERI, University of Puerto Rico. San Juan, Puerto Rico carlos.suarez5@upr.edu


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How to Cite

Hernández López, N., Flores Caraballo, E., & Suárez Balseiro, C. (2010). Evolution and trends in the teaching of knowledge management and its relationship with postgraduate programs in library and information sciences. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 32(2), 177–193. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rib.5062


