The e-book and the Spanish publishing industry


  • Mercedes López Suárez Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Julio Larrañaga Rubio Universidad Complutense de Madrid



printed book, text, e-book, editor, digital edition, publishing, e-reading


This study reflects on the concept of the e-book. It reviews the available literature and uses a comparative approach to develop forecasts about publishing in Spain. We take our figures from industry reports for the years 2008 and 2009 which contain information on the publishing market, reading habits, and e-book availability in Spain. We present detailed descriptions of the typical readers of printed books and e-books, studied the current standing of the Spanish publishing industry with respect to the electronic book, and conclude that in the short term, the e-book will have considerable growth but that it will not replace the printed book. 

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Author Biographies

Mercedes López Suárez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Doctor in Romance Philology. Full Professor and Accredited Professor, Vice Dean of Research, Department of Spanish Philology III of the Faculty of Information Sciences, Complutense University of Madrid

Julio Larrañaga Rubio, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Degree in Economics and Business Administration. Associate Professor of the University School, Department of Economic Analysis, Faculty of Information Sciences, Complutense University of Madrid


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BOLTER, J.D. and GRUSIN, R. 1999. Remediation: understanding new media. Cambridge, MA: The Mit Press.

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DOSDOCE.COM y EDICIONA. 2008. La digitalización del libro en España [en línea] [citado julio 18, 2009]. Disponible en Internet:

eFORO PUBLIDISA 2009. eBook & Edición Digital: hacia una nueva cadena de valor del contenido [en línea]. Madrid: Publidisa, 2009 [citado julio 15, 2009]. Disponible en Internet: http://www.publidisa. com/eforopublidisa/2009

FEDERACIÓN DE GREMIOS DE EDITORES DE ESPAÑA. 2005. Hábitos de lectura y compra de libros 2004 [en línea]. Madrid: FGEE, 2005 [citado julio 8, 2009]. Disponible en Internet: http://www.

FEDERACIÓN DE GREMIOS DE EDITORES DE ESPAÑA. 2006. Hábitos de lectura y compra de libros 2005 [en línea]. Madrid: FGEE, 2006 [citado julio 8, 2009]. Disponible en Internet: http://www.

FEDERACIÓN DE GREMIOS DE EDITORES DE ESPAÑA. 2007. Hábitos de lectura y compra de libros 2006 [en línea]. Madrid: FGEE, 2007 [citado julio 8, 2009]. Disponible en Internet: http://www.

FEDERACIÓN DE GREMIOS DE EDITORES DE ESPAÑA. 2008. Hábitos de lectura y compra de libros 2007 [en línea]. Madrid: FGEE, 2008 [citado julio 7, 2007]. Disponible en Internet: http://www.



How to Cite

López Suárez, M., & Larrañaga Rubio, J. (2010). The e-book and the Spanish publishing industry. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 33(1), 85–103.


