Archival terminology in Colombia: documentary and lexicometric research
documentary research, terminology lexicometry, archive, documentary analysis, specialized vocabulary, ColombiaAbstract
This paper presents the results derived from the documentary analysis carried out on the publications and normative texts of the Colombian archivistics from 1989 to 2008. Using a descriptive and documentary approach, a qualitative research was carried out on the bibliographic production and work of the National General Archive, the Archive of Bogotá, the University of Caldas, the University of Quindío, the University of La Salle and the archivistic norms in force in Colombia. The objective was to study the terms with higher and lower frequency of occurrence, the distribution of items per publication, the total number of terms placed in 21 letters of the alphabet and the words with the highest indexes of occurrence by master unit. Finally, stress was made on the importance of lexicometrical and terminological studies for the Colombian archivistics and the main problems underlying the lexicon: ambiguity, polysemy, indiscriminate use of terms coming from foreign languages and the creation of neologisms that violate morphosyntactic patterns.
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