In vitro evaluation of probiotic potential of lactic bacteria acid isolated from coastal serum


  • María C. Cueto-Vigil Universidad de La Sabana
  • Yudtanduly Acuña-Monsalve Universidad de La Sabana
  • Jacqueline Valenzuela-Riaño Universidad de La Sabana



acid pH and bile salt resistance, coastal serum, lactic acid, lactic acid bacteria, probiotic


A group of 53 lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from costal serum were evaluated with preliminary in vitro studies simulating the conditions of the digestive tract, to determine their characteristics as potential probiotics; acid pH tolerance (MRS pH: 2.0) and bile salts (MRS with 0.3% bile salts) and subsequently the surviving population was determined as log CFU/ml. Strains tolerant to such conditions were evaluated for resistance to 14 antibiotics of commercial use; we assessed adherence to intestinal mucus and the production of lactic acid by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). It was shown that 54.7% of the LAB evaluated were tolerant to acid pH conditions and 49.1 to 0.3% bile salts with a population of 106 log CFU/ml on average. Seven strains were selected by antibiotic vancomycin tenderness of epidemiological importance and adhered to intestinal mucus, meeting the requirements to be considered as potentially probiotic. Additionally, the quantification of lactic acid in the selected strains showed a range between 0.13 and 1.0 ± 0.05 ± 0.08 g/l.

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Author Biography

María C. Cueto-Vigil, Universidad de La Sabana

University of La Sabana, Faculty of Engineering. Puente del Común University Campus. Km 7, Bogotá-Chía highway, Cundinamarca, Colombia


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How to Cite

Cueto-Vigil, M. C., Acuña-Monsalve, Y., & Valenzuela-Riaño, J. (2012). In vitro evaluation of probiotic potential of lactic bacteria acid isolated from coastal serum. Actualidades Biológicas, 32(93), 129–138.



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