Spatial distribution of the lane snapper Lutjanus synagris (Pisces: Lutjanidae) and its relationship with environmental variables in the Colombian Caribbean


  • Alfredo Rodríguez Universidad de Concepción
  • Jorge Páramo Universidad del Magdalena



Colombian Caribbean, demersal, environmental variables, Lutjanus synagris, spatial segregation


The demersal fishery is one of the most important in the Colombian Caribbean, and the lane snapper Lutjanus synagris is particularly prized for its economic value. To document the spatial structure of L. synagris and its relation to environmental variables, we conducted a research survey off the north Caribbean coast of Colombian during February 2006. Spatial distribution was evaluated using geostatistics and relationships with environmental variables were examined with Generalized Additive Models (GAM). Median size of maturity (LT 50%) was estimated as 21.35 cm. The species presented a pattern of spatial segregation, with a high abundance of adults in the Northern portion of the study area, in the La Guajira sector, associated principally with cold waters (< 25.0 °C) produced by the seasonal coastal upwelling in this zone. To the south, between the Buritaca river and Riohacha, there was a localized abundance of juveniles. This zone is characterized by the presence of warm waters (> 25.0 °C), soft muddy bottoms, and a coastal region containing extensive mangroves that are the fundamental habitat for growth, refuge, and food availability for small fish. The results suggest that environmental variables modulate the spatial distributions of juvenile and adult of L. synagris.

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Author Biographies

Alfredo Rodríguez, Universidad de Concepción

Oceanography Department

Jorge Páramo, Universidad del Magdalena

Tropical Fisheries Science and Technology Research Group (CITEPT)


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How to Cite

Rodríguez, A., & Páramo, J. (2017). Spatial distribution of the lane snapper Lutjanus synagris (Pisces: Lutjanidae) and its relationship with environmental variables in the Colombian Caribbean. Actualidades Biológicas, 34(96), 55–66.



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