Characterization of tropical forest structure along an altitudinal gradient in Antioquia, Colombia
altitudinal gradient, basal area, canopy, Tropical forest structureAbstract
In order to identify the main forest types with respect to their structural variation in the Department of Antioquia, Colombia, we established 16 permanent plots of 1 ha each (100 x 100 m) across an altitudinal gradient. Basal area, density, and understory height were positively correlated with altitude, while canopy height, maximum height, and maximum diameter were inversely correlated with altitude. At a regional scale, temperature (defined as a surrogate of altitude) was identified as a key factor determining structural variation. Based on these structural differences, two different groups of forest types were distinguished: lowland forests (0 to 1,500 m) and highland forests (> 1,500 m). However, the plot located at the upper extreme of the altitudinal gradient (2,950 m) presented structural characteristics more similar to the lowland forests than to the other highland forests due to the pronounced dominance of Quercus humboldtii. Palms were a common growth form throughout the gradient except at 2,950 m. Tree ferns were found only above 970 m, while lianas were more abundant at lower altitudes, with dry forest showing the greatest number of liana individuals. In conclusion, the differences between the two groups of forest types were characterized mainly by higher tree density and basal area, comprised of smaller individuals in the highland forests, and a higher abundance of large trees in the lowland forests.
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