New host plant records and resource availability to Ithomiini butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Danainae), in Colombian coffee agroecosystems
agroecosystems, coffee plantations, host plant, Ithomiini, LepidopteraAbstract
In the tropics, few data are available for most organisms, included butterflies, on key aspects of their life cycles, host plants, and explanatory factors of its diversity and abundance. The objective of this study was to identify the larval host plants of Ithomiini (Lepidoptera) larvae in coffee agroecosystems and to evaluate the effect of the following variables: production system, forested area, and host plant diversity on the diversity and abundance of this group. In six coffee farms from Fredonia (Antioquia), Colombia, plants from the families Apocynaceae, Gesneriaceae, and Solanaceae were collected and identified in HUA and MEDEL Herbariums in Medellin. In the farms, adults observed in flight were recorded and Ithomiini eggs, larvae and pupa were collected from host plants and reared in the laboratory until adulthood. Percent survival and mortality due to parasitism were quantified. Diversity data were analyzed by means of a Poisson Regression Analysis. In this coffee ecosystem, 27 plant species and adults from 27 butterfly species were observed, while in the laboratory 326 individuals of eight species were reared after their collection from seven Solanaceous plant species. Two host plants are new records for Lepidoptera species: Solanum atropurpureum as host for Mechanitis menapis and S. deflexiflorum as host for both Pteronymia picta and P. latilla. Ithomiini diversity was explained by host plant diversity and use of the shaded coffee system.
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