Phenology of four tree species of tropical dry forest in the University Botanical Garden, Universidad del Valle (Cali), Colombia
Jacaranda caucana, Pithecellobium dulce, Samanea saman, Tabebuia rosea, precipitation, temperatureAbstract
Phenological patterns and efficiency of sampling frequency were evaluated for Jacaranda caucana, Pithecellobium dulce, Samanea saman, and Tabebuia rosea, which are representative species of tropical dry forest, in the Botanical Garden of Universidad del Valle in Cali, Colombia. Vegetative and reproductive phenophases were observed weekly in 20 individuals of each species during one year. We found that biweekly sampling is the optimum frequency to record phenology of these species in the study area. A bimodal tendency was observed only in flowering of J. caucana and S. saman and leaf fall of T. rosea and S. saman. Production of flower buds and flowers in the species increased with precipitation and immediately afterward. In J. caucana, occurrence of flower buds, flowers, and mature fruits was inversely correlated with temperature. Phenophases of S. saman and T. rosea were not significantly correlated with precipitation nor temperature. The species P. dulce showed a tendency to fruit with reduction in rainfall and to reduce leaf production with increase in temperature. We conclude that the phenology of the evaluated species is principally related to precipitation and that these species, except J. caucana, may be considered subannual. Thus, studies in urban environments can be an important method for the study of biological cycles of species in ex situ conditions.
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