Acute toxicity and subletthal effects of Cosmo-Flux®411F to embryos of four colombian anuran species


  • Liliana M. Henao-Muñoz Universidad del Tolima
  • Verónica A. Arango-Cubillos Universidad del Tolima
  • Manuel H. Bernal-Bautista Universidad del Tolima



anurans, body size, Colombia, Cosmo-Flux®411F, development, embryos


Cosmo-Flux®411F is the main adjuvant mixed with the glyphosate herbicide used for controlling illicit drugs in Colombia and weeds in agriculture. However, there are no studies that test the toxicity of its application to frogs, which are highly sensitive to environmental changes. The aim of this study was to determine the median lethal concentration (LC50) and the sublethal effects (on body size and developmental rate) of Cosmo-Flux®411F to anuran embryos of four Colombian species, exposed under controlled laboratory conditions and in microcosms. Engystomops pustulosus was the most tolerant species to Cosmo-Flux®411F (laboratory LC50: 2,234.86 mg/l; microcosms LC50: 2,535.3 l/ha = 655.13 mg/l), followed by Hypsiboas crepitans (laboratory LC50: 849.21 mg/l; microcosms LC50: 1,169.9 l/ha = 302.31 mg/l), while Rhinella marina in laboratory (LC50: 495.18 mg/l) and R. humboldti in microcosms (LC50: 478.2 l/ha = 123.59 mg/l) were the most sensitive species. Comparing the recommended application concentrations, 0.5 to 1 l/ha, with the microcosm results, which had a LC50 lower than those from the laboratory, the Cosmo-Flux®411F showed no lethal effects. There were also no significant sublethal effects on the individuals with concentrations below the LC50. Only R. humboldti showed a developmental delay in a concentration 205 times higher than normal field applications. Therefore, Cosmo-Flux®411F, at a concentration used in the field neither produced lethal effects nor significant changes in the body size and developmental rate
to embryos of the four study species.

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Author Biographies

Liliana M. Henao-Muñoz, Universidad del Tolima

Herpetology, Eco-physiology & Ethology Group, Department of Biology

Verónica A. Arango-Cubillos, Universidad del Tolima

Herpetology, Eco-physiology & Ethology Group, Department of Biology

Manuel H. Bernal-Bautista, Universidad del Tolima

Herpetology, Eco-physiology & Ethology Group, Department of Biology


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How to Cite

Henao-Muñoz, L. M., Arango-Cubillos, V. A., & Bernal-Bautista, M. H. (2017). Acute toxicity and subletthal effects of Cosmo-Flux®411F to embryos of four colombian anuran species. Actualidades Biológicas, 35(99), 209–218.



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