Phylogenetic analysis of Potato virus Y (PVY) Isolates obtained in Potato (Solanum tuberosum) and Tamarillo (Solanum betaceum) crops from Colombia
capsid, Colombia, phylogeny, Potyvirus, SolanaceaeAbstract
Potato virus Y (PVY) is the most limiting virus in solanaceous crops worldwide. This virus is highly variable dueto a combination of high mutation and recombination rates. In this study, a phylogenetic analysis was performed on 24 PVY isolates obtained from potato and tamarillo crops from three regions of Colombia, using partial sequences of the viral coat (CP). Additionally, a complete gene sequence was obtained for 12 isolates and their similarities at the amino acid level were compared to PVY reference strains from the rest of the world. Our results revealed the presence of three main PVY variants in Colombia (named as I-Col, II-Int, and IV-Col). Two of them (I-Col y IV-Col) are not related to traditional PVY strains while II-Int is related to the PVYN/NTN clade. All three groups comprise sequences from potato and tamarillo, suggesting that both plants can act as alternative hosts to the same PVY genotypes. Amino acid analysis of CP confirmed the presence of three PVY variants; however variant I-Col showed affinity, although with low bootstrap values, to recombinant strains PVYNTN x PVYNE-11 from Brazil. The results indicate the need to adjust the systems for PVY detection and to undertake further biological studies of this virus in Colombia.
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