Composition and richness of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) in an altitudinal gradient of tropical rain forest at the national natural park Catatumbo-Carí (Norte de Santander), Colombia
altitudinal gradient, beetles, tropical rainforest, Scarabaeinae, ColombiaAbstract
We study the composition and richness of dung beetle in three sites located in an altitudinal gradient (200-800m) of the Parque Nacional Natural Catatumbo-Bari (Norte Santander), Colombia. 2.739 individuals grouped in13 genera and 30 species were collected: in the site Brubukanina (200 m) 12 genera and 25 species were recognized; in Bridikaira (400 m) 11 genera and 21 species; and in Brubuskera (800 m) 12 genera and 20 species. The most abundant species were Eurysternus caribaeus and Onthophagus sp. 1, presents in all three studied sites. The indices of Simpson and Berger Parker give as result dominancy of a number of species reduced and therefore the lack of evenness in the study community. Differences richness and abundances of species under the gradient are showed, and also differences according to the capture method. Finally, geographic data that extend the rank of distribution of some of the species of Scarabaeinae is showed.
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