Hydrophobic Cluster Analysis (HCA) reveals the existence of low identity isoforms of Laccases (EC in 7 Phyla of bacteria
EC, HCA, Hydrophobic Cluster Analysis, intragenic duplication, laccase, p-diphenol:oxygen-oxidoreductaseAbstract
Hydrophobic Cluster Analysis (HCA) was implemented to evaluate the presence and distribution of laccases (p-diphenol:oxygen-oxidoreductases) in Bacteria. By reason of its high resolution level on low identity environments (< 30%), the structural analysis was able to validate orphan sequences registered in Genbankand Swissprot databases. Consensuses (LOGO) are proposed for copper centers, useful to identify new laccases. Like in Coprinus cinereus, we found evidences of an intragenic duplication event in the Bacillus subtilis CotA laccase [aminoacids 1 to 178 (A domain) and 303 to 503 (50 residues of B-domain and all C domain)]. An identity of 9% was calculated between the duplicates. These results allow concluding that laccases from Bacteria and Eukarya had a common ancestor.
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