AFLPS molecular identification markers associated with productivity traits in silkworm, Bombyx mori (Binnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae)


  • Duverney Gaviria Technological University of Pereira
  • Enrique Aguilar Technological University of Pereira
  • Herman Serrano Technological University of Pereira
  • Liliana Ramírez Technological University of Pereira
  • Álvaro Alegría Technological University of Pereira



cocoon weight, molecular markers, productivity traits, sericulture, shell weight


The silkworm Bombyx mori presents an ample variability in the traits of productivity and development. These traits are polygenic. Many morphologic and biochemical characteristics have been associated with molecular markers such as RFLPs and RAPDs, mapping in different linkage groups. Nevertheless, little attention has been devoted to define its true function within a complete organism. As a preliminary approach in this respect, five combinations of AFLPs primers with a total of 302 bands were evaluated on the genomic DNA of 16 lines of Japanese and Chinese strains. These strains displayed different characteristics in cocoon and shell weight that allowed their separation in groups of high and low productivity. The data on productivity and the information on molecular markers for each line were correlated using reiterative multivariate analysis of variance. The markers were grouped according to the combinations of primers used. The confidence level used was 95%. Markers that had a presence or absence of 5% or smaller were eliminated, and for the rest, an upper bound of the variance was used, to determine the marker’s meaningfulness. The analysis allowed the identification of markers statistically associated with either cocoon weight or weight of shell as well as some markers associated with both productivity traits.

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How to Cite

Gaviria, D., Aguilar, E., Serrano, H., Ramírez, L., & Alegría, Álvaro. (2017). AFLPS molecular identification markers associated with productivity traits in silkworm, Bombyx mori (Binnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae). Actualidades Biológicas, 28(84), 10.



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