Preliminary study of the ecogenetics of the neotropical mangrove species Pelliciera rhizophorae Triana and Planchón, in the Colombian pacific coast
AFLP, Colombia, genetic diversity, granulometry, morphology, Pacific coast, Pelliciera rhizophorae, population structureAbstract
Pelliciera rhizophorae is a Neotropical mangrove, the only representative of this genus, whose distribution is mostly restricted to the Pacific Coast. This study is a contribution to the knowledge of the ecogenetics of this species on the Colombian Pacific, which included analyses of genetic diversity, morphological variability, and environmental factors in the localities of Virudó, Charambirá, Isla La Plata, Tumaco, Milagros, and Chontal (Colombia). The genetic variation and population structure analyses of P. rhizophorae were carried out using AFLP in fifty-seven individuals from the six localities. In total, 225 fragments were produced, of which 155 (69%) were polymorphic. The genetic diversity within populations varied significantly, with the lowest levels of within-population variation in La Plata Island and Tumaco; and the highest level of variation (Hep = 0.187) in Chontal. This study showed that P. rhizophorae was significantly structured (fst = 0.2654) with 73.5% of the variation within populations, which is evidence of sub-structure within populations. Genetic differentiation was not related to the geographic distance between zones. This suggests that the population dynamics of P. rhizophorae is associated with historical processes influenced by ecological- environmental factors. The study of morphological variability showed that the best development of the trees is in Virudó, a locality dominated by riverine mangroves. In contrast, mangroves of Tumaco, Milagros, and Charambirá showed a lower phenotipical development. The composition of soil around P. rhizophorae was homogeneous, with most localities with very fine sands and clays, being Tumaco the exception with clays and thick and fine sands. Interstitial salinity levels showed low variation among localities with suitable values for the species survival.
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