Use of the gamma radiation in the induction of genetic variability at Heliconia psittacorum
embryogenic callus, in vitro, radiomutagenesis, sensibilityAbstract
The purpose of this study was the standardization of a methodology of mutation’s induction and regeneration of somaclones from an embryogenic callus population of Heliconia psittacorum. In this ornamental species, of two of kind explants evaluated, the inflorescences buds did not show a positive response to embryo induction. Nevertheless, in the leaves base, we noticed the formation of embryogenic callus, similar in size and appearance in the three culture media evaluated. In the multiplication stage was found that in the basal medium MS supplemented with biotin and 2,4-D, was observed a more friable and consistence callus and will defined pro-embryonic stages. The embryos regeneration was better (60-70%) in the MS supplemented with amino acid and vitamins. Related to the effect of the different doses in the callus multiplication, it was not found significant differences among the different doses, however, 50 and 75 Gy had the lowest average values. In the regeneration stage, the percentage with 30 Gy increased significantly, a second group formed by the control, 10, and 20 Gy. While the 50 and 75 Gy doses showed the lowest regeneration percentage. Taking into account the embryogenic callus radio-sensibility and some developmental aspects, we selected 40 Gy as the appropriated doses for the genetic variability induction in embryogenic callus H. psittacorum.
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