Space-temporal variation of sedimentation rates of nitrogen and phosphorus at sestonic material: Neusa’s reservoir, Colombia
sedimentation rates, reservoir, seston, nitrogen and phosphorus, Egeria densa, nutrients fluxesAbstract
Space-temporal variation of sedimentation rates of sestonic material, nitrogen and phosphorus, was studied during three periods at two zones with different influence of the submerged macrophyte Egeria densa, at Neusa‘s reservoir. Three Series of cylindrical seston traps were placed at three depths, in order to measure the total sedimentation rates. The two zones were different in the magnitude of sestonic and nitrogen fluxes and show dissimilar temporal patterns for all the variables. The differences on vertical fluxes of seston, nitrogen and phosphorus may be related to water column stability at the dam. The litoral community result on particulated material flux toward the sediments, was related with the detritic material release from E. densa’s necromas, especially during the drawn-down of the reservoir.
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