Genetic analysis with rapd markers for potato tuber moth resistance (Phthorimaea operculella, Zeller), in Solanum sparsipilum x Solanum phureja
potato, Phthorimaea operculella, resistance, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), Solanum sparsipilum, Solanum phureja, gene markersAbstract
In this work, breeding for resistance to potato tuber moth (PTM) in cultivated potatoes is envisaged via germplasm enhancement using Solanum sparsipilum as source of tuber resistance to PTM. A diploid population F1 of 120 hybrids has been developed to perform a genetic analysis from the offspring of a cross between a Solanum sparsipilum accessionwith tuber resistance to PTM and a cultivated diploid potato Solanum phureja accession with susceptibility to PTM.Phenotypic evaluations of the antixenosis and antibiosis tuber resistance to PTM have led to the grouping of the segregating population in three classes: highly susceptible (HS), susceptible (S) and moderately resistance (MR).
We have applied the RAPD technique to identify DNA markers linked to tuber resistance to PTM. Primer screening yielded 131 primers that are informative in the F1 population. We have used so far a total of 77 primers. We have scoredband segregation in Phu x Spl offspring of 58 RAPD markers form the female parent. Nineteen primers deviate significantly from the expected segregation. For the male parent, we have analyzed the segregation of 115 RAPD markers.The majority, 90, did not show significant segregation distortions.
An independence analysis between RAPD markers segregation and resistance classes showed fifteen RAPD markers may be in linkage disequilibrium towards the phenotypic classes suggesting a link with PTM resistance. Then, three RPD markers were ordered into genetic map of female chromatins and twelve RPD markers are into genetic map from malechromatins. From these, two RAPD markers showed an association with antixenosis resistance and other thirteen markers showed an association with antibiosis resistance.
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