Some digenea trematods from charambirá (Chocó, Colombia) marine fishes


  • Leslie Castañeda Universidad del Valle
  • Humberto Carvajal Universidad del Valle
  • Imelda Vélez Universidad de Antioquia



Digenea Trematoda, marine fishes, Chocó, Colombia


Nine species of marine fishes (Oligoplites sp., Epinephelus sp., Centropomus undecimalis, Centropomus pectinatus, Pomadasys sp., Lutjanus sp., Cynoscion sp., Arius jordani, Arius troscheli) from Charambirá, Chocó Department, along the Pacific coast of Colombian, were examined for digenean trematodes. Seven species of trematodes belonging to six families were found; Manterias brachycerus, Tergestialaticollis, Pseudo Acanthosoma Panamense, Prosorhynchuspacificum, Pseudo Cryptogenic cirrhitia, Pleorchis americanus and Megasolena sp. The species are fully described and illustrated.

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Author Biography

Leslie Castañeda, Universidad del Valle

Universidad del Valle, Facultad de Salud, Departamento de Microbiología. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Castañeda, L., Carvajal, H., & Vélez, I. (2017). Some digenea trematods from charambirá (Chocó, Colombia) marine fishes. Actualidades Biológicas, 25(79), 1–10.



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