Antagonism of Purpureocillium sp. (Idea0106 strain) with fungi of flowers cultures


  • Diego A. Salazar-Moncada Universidad de Antioquia
  • Claudia Jaramillo-Mazo Universidad de Antioquia
  • Juliana Vásquez-Restrepo Universidad de Antioquia
  • Camilo Ramírez Universidad de Antioquia
  • Nadya L. Cardona-Bustos Universidad de Antioquia



antagonism, biocontrol, isolates, symphylans, Purpureocillium sp.


Studies developed in the BIOMA research group of the Universidad de Antioquia showed how the fungus Purpureocillium sp. (Idea0106) may biocontrol a plague known as symphylans (subphylum Myriapodas: class Symphyla). The goal of this study was to identify fungal genera isolated from  different substrates (symphylans and soils) and determine their antagonistic capacity, as well a collection of biocontrol strains, over  Purpureocillium sp. (Idea0106). Nine fungal strains were isolated from symphylans samples, belonging to 3 genera, and 17 strains were isolated from soil samples, belonging to 10 genre. The antagonism tests consisted of an in vitro test using the dual culture technique in Petri dishes using sabouraud dextrosa agar (SDA) culture medium, with was conducted on 16 strains: 12 obtained from the isolates and 4 from the collection of the BIOMA research group. The variables evaluated were the growth radius in the confrontations and the percentage of radial growth inhibition (PICR) at 7 and 14 days. Data were analyzed using generalized linear mixed model using the SAS Proc GLIMMIX procedure in an independent manner. The fungus Purpureocillium sp. (Idea0106) was inhibited by Vollutella sp (Vo.UdeA0109), Paecilomyces sp. Isolate 2 (Pa.UdeA0109) and Peyronella sp. (Pe. Idea 0108) (p <0,001), while the results of the strains Beaveria sp. (BeUdeA0109) Dendrodochium sp. (De UdeA0109), Myrothecium sp. (Mi. UdeA0109), Paecilomyces sp. isolated 1 (Pa. UdeA0309), Paecilomyces sp. isolated 3 (Pa.UdeA0209), Lecanicillium sp (Le.UdeA0109), and Purpureocillium sp. (Hy.UdeA0109) were not significant. The analyses showed that interactions with undesirable results may occur between fungal strains when conducting control activities.

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Author Biographies

Diego A. Salazar-Moncada, Universidad de Antioquia

Institute of Biology

Claudia Jaramillo-Mazo, Universidad de Antioquia

Institute of Biology

Juliana Vásquez-Restrepo, Universidad de Antioquia

Institute of Biology

Camilo Ramírez, Universidad de Antioquia

Professor, Institute of Biology

Nadya L. Cardona-Bustos, Universidad de Antioquia

Professor, Institute of Biology


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How to Cite

Salazar-Moncada, D. A., Jaramillo-Mazo, C., Vásquez-Restrepo, J., Ramírez, C., & Cardona-Bustos, N. L. (2017). Antagonism of <i>Purpureocillium</i> sp. (Idea0106 strain) with fungi of flowers cultures. Actualidades Biológicas, 36(100), 23–31.



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