
  • Dary Luz Cárdenas University of Sucre
  • Janneth A. Lora University of Sucre
  • Rita Luz Márquez-Vizcaíno University of Sucre
  • Pedro J. Blanco University of Sucre




amastigotes, Annona purpurea, citoxicity, Leishmania panamensis


The ethanolic fraction of total extract of Annona purpurea was evaluated in vitro against amastigotes ofLeishmania panamensis and the cell line U937. This fraction was more active as leishmanicidal than GlucantimeÆ

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Author Biographies

Dary Luz Cárdenas, University of Sucre

Phytochemistry Research Group (GIFUS)

Janneth A. Lora, University of Sucre

Phytochemistry Research Group (GIFUS)

Rita Luz Márquez-Vizcaíno, University of Sucre

Phytochemistry Research Group (GIFUS)

Pedro J. Blanco, University of Sucre

Biomedical Research Group


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How to Cite

Cárdenas, D. L., Lora, J. A., Márquez-Vizcaíno, R. L., & Blanco, P. J. (2018). LEISHMANICIDA ACTIVITY OF ANNONA PURPUREA. Actualidades Biológicas, 27(1), 4. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.acbi.331521



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