
  • Oscar J. Patiño-Ladino National university of Colombia
  • Luis E. Cuca-Suárez National university of Colombia



8-hydroxy-2, 3-methylenedioxy-9-methoxybenzophenanthridine, alkaloids, benzophenanthridine, Rutaceae, Zanthoxylum quinduensis


A novel benzophenanthridine alkaloid, named 8-hydroxy-2,3-methylenedioxy-9-methoxybenzophenanthridine,was isolated from the bark of Zanthoxylumquinduensis, together with other known compounds such asnorchelerytrine, N-nornitidine, arnottianamide, and lupeol. Their structures were elucidated by detailed analysisof NMR spectra, including 2D techniques and comparison with authentic samples and literature data.

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Author Biographies

Oscar J. Patiño-Ladino, National university of Colombia

Chemistry Department

Luis E. Cuca-Suárez, National university of Colombia

Chemistry Department


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How to Cite

Patiño-Ladino, O. J., & Cuca-Suárez, L. E. (2018). BENZOPHENANTHRIDINE ALKALOIDS FROM ZANTHOXYLUM QUINDUENSIS. Actualidades Biológicas, 27(1), 6.



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