Characterization and status of the fisheries in Porce II Reservoir (Antioquia)


  • J. Mauricio López-Sánchez Fundación Humedales, Bogotá, Colombia
  • Sandra J. Hernández-Barrero Fundación Humedales, Bogotá, Colombia
  • Mauricio B. Valderrama-Barco Fundación Humedales, Bogotá, Colombia
  • Carlos Barreto-Reyes Fundación Humedales, Bogotá, Colombia



inland fishery, reservoir, fishing resources, fisheries management


The assessment of fishing resources in reservoirs and the implementation of measures for their management are scarce in Colombia. It is for this reason that the objective of this article is to present information on fishery and management measures for the Porce II, a hydroelectric generation purposes dam. From November 2011 to October 2012, eighteen fish species were collected from the reservoir, nine of which are harvested for food, six of which are exotic. Additionally, a species of shrimp (Macrobrachium sp.) was found to be an important element of local communities’ food security. Sixty-seven fishermen are registered and the annual catches are 238 metric tonnes, 99% of which are tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus and Tilapia sp.). The catch per unit effort (cpue) fluctuated between 8.1 and 34.7 kg/FEU/day (average 15.2 kg/FEU/day). Catches constituted 70% of the local economic income and also contributed significantly to food security to local communities. The two principal species could support higher exploitation levels and there are several risks and uncertainties for the implementation of the fishing management plan formulated for the Porce II Reservoir.

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Author Biographies

J. Mauricio López-Sánchez, Fundación Humedales, Bogotá, Colombia

Fundación Humedales, Bogotá, Colombia.

Sandra J. Hernández-Barrero, Fundación Humedales, Bogotá, Colombia

Fundación Humedales, Bogotá, Colombia.

Mauricio B. Valderrama-Barco, Fundación Humedales, Bogotá, Colombia

Fundación Humedales, Bogotá, Colombia.

Carlos Barreto-Reyes, Fundación Humedales, Bogotá, Colombia

Fundación Humedales, Bogotá, Colombia.


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How to Cite

López Sánchez, J. M., Hernández Barrero, S. J., Valderrama Barco, M. B., & Barreto Reyes, C. (2018). Characterization and status of the fisheries in Porce II Reservoir (Antioquia) . Actualidades Biológicas, 40(108), 1–14.



Sección especial: Los peces de la cuenca del río Porce, Antioquia, Colombia.