Terpsinoë musica Ehrenberg (Bacillariophyceae), first record of the genus for Colombia
diatom, periphyton, tropical, first citationAbstract
The firsrt record for Colombia of the species Terpsinoë musica and the first citation for the genus for Colombia. The specimens of T. musica were studied using optic and scanning microscopy. The morphological description was made and morphometric data were taken. This alga was found in periphyton samples which were collected in lotic ecosystems in the regions Orinoquia and Caribbean, associated with Eichhornia crassipes and Lenna minor in alkaline ecosystems with moderate electrical conductivities and low values of water level. A comparison with other populations of the species registered for the American continent, Europe and Africa was made, mentioning aspects related to their ecological requirements and geographic distribution. The type material of the species has not been analyzed using modern techniques. It is suggested we are facing a taxa with high morphological variation and wide geographical distribution, taking on count the huge morphological variation between different populations of the species and the diversity of environments where it was registered, or on the contrary, it is about a complex of species with more limited ecological requirements and distributions.
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