Contribution to the knowledge of the crabs (Meiura: Decapoda) of the CEBUC Collection, with additional records in Colombia


  • Juan Mateo Rivera-Pérez Federal University of Para
  • Camilo Andrés Llano-Arias University of Caldas
  • Lucimar Gomes-Días University of Caldas



Anomura, Brachyura, biological collections, diversity, systematization


The biological collections constitute a record of the natural history of the different regions and provide relevant information for various scientific investigations related to systematics, biogeography, conservation biology, among others. In the collections associated to arthropods in Colombia, the crabs (Meiura) formed by the infraorders Anomura and Brachyura (Decapoda) are poorly represented, despite being the second country with the most diversity of freshwater crabs worldwide and having different representatives of marine species and semi-terrestrial of the Atlantic and Pacific. The small representativeness of the group in the collections could be due to the small number of specialist researchers in the group and the small number of samplings. The objective of this work was to expand the knowledge of the decapods, through the review of the specimens deposited in the CEBUC collection. We found 98 individuals distributed in 15 families, 23 genera and 22 species. The material reviewed comes from the Central Western and Atlantic coastal region of Colombia, besides Caldas is the best represented department, with 50% of the records. In this work altitudinal enlargements are registered for the distribution of Hypolobocera bouvieri and Strengeriana fuhrmanni (Pseudothelphusidae). In addition, expansions in the range of distribution are documented for other species. This work constitutes a preliminary source of information on the diversity of crabs (Meiura) at the regional level and reflects that diversity can increase substantially with the expansion of the number of investigations and the review of biological collections.

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How to Cite

Rivera-Pérez, J. M., Llano-Arias, C. A., & Gomes-Días, L. (2021). Contribution to the knowledge of the crabs (Meiura: Decapoda) of the CEBUC Collection, with additional records in Colombia. Actualidades Biológicas, 43(115).



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