Fish from the Garagoa river, upper Orinoco basin, Boyacá, Colombia: A taxonomic key for their identification
cis-Andean region, continental ichthyofauna, list of species, meta river basin, richness, updated distributionAbstract
An annotated list of fish species richness recorded in the Garagoa river basin is reported, consisting of 41 species, 24 of which were collected in the current study. Nine new records are reported for the basin, including two exotic species, and one of which is the possible product of an attempted introduction. At the same time, a taxonomic key for the identification of species in the basin is included. This work complements the inventory of species in the study basin and will serve as a tool for decision makers regarding conservation and management measures, as well as for the control of exotic and invasive species. The results could also support proposals for the use and exploitation of fish diversity by the human population that inhabits and/or visits the basin, for example, through its use in ecotourism projects.
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