Ecomorphology of familiy Plethodontidae (Amphibia: Caudata) in America: the state of art
diet, distribution, ecology, habitat preference, morphology, salamandersAbstract
Ecomorphological studies are essential to understanding how a species perform in an environment according to its morphology, allowing for further understanding of adaptation patterns and evolutionary diversification. Salamanders in the family Plethodontidae are widely distributed in the Americas, and their ecological specialization and philopatry make them highly vulnerable to environmental change. We compiled information on the ecomorphological aspects of the family to identify information patterns and gaps in data that could guide future research. We found that the United States is the country with the most significant number of studies (43), followed by Colombia (12) and Brazil (2). One of the most studied categories is life history and ecology, and the least studied are developmental biology, disturbance, and ecophysiology. Bolitoglossa was found to be 29% studied despite being one of the most diverse genera. Seventy-seven percent of the genera with altitudinal data prefer altitudinal ranges between 800-1200 m a. s. l., temperature between 15-20 °C and relative humidity above 80%. Finally, salamanders of lower weight (<1 g) and SVL (>60 mm) tend to use a higher perch height, probably related to a higher climbing ability or avoidance behavior. There is an opportunity for research on less studied genera, allowing future conservation decisions to be made.
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