Approach to a biotic integrity index of phycoperiphyton in the Colombian Zapatosa Swamp Complex
algal morphology, algal morphometry, ecosystem health, functional traits, periphytonAbstract
Microalgae are producer organisms that have been used as bioindicators since the 19th century. Microalgae are characterized by their rapid reproduction, short life cycle, and easy collection. Although their identification is complex, other attributes have been evaluated, such as their morphological measurements and functional traits, which allow a quick and efficient assessment of these organisms and address some taxonomic inconveniences. In this work, an evaluation tool for the ecosystem health of the Zapatosa Swamp Complex (ZSC) was developed, based on the composition as well as biological and ecological characteristics of the periphytic algae community, to determine its biotic integrity and assess the ecological state of these swamps. To do so, the composition of algae in the ZSC was analyzed, some aspects of their functional morphology were evaluated, and the most appropriate functional variables were selected for the development of an index of biotic integrity (IBI) of this community. Mathematical and statistical analyses indicated that the selected attributes (maximum linear dimension, biovolume, surface area, silica exoskeleton, mucilage, colonies, aerotopes, and flagella) were suitable for developing the IBI and that they were correlated with some environmental variables. Using the IBI results, the ecological conditions of the different ZSC areas were discriminated. However, the proposed index is a first approximation that will need further development to become an effective management and prediction tool. It should also take into account seasonal changes in the hydrology of the ZSC.
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