Information For Authors
Are you interested in publishing in our Journal?
We invite you to review the page in the Submissions section for the Submission Preparation Checklist, as well as the Author's Guidelines. Authors must register with the Journal before publishing or, if they are already registered, they can simply log in to the Login link and begin the five-step process.
The journal Actualidades Biológicas welcomes the Open Access model in which the contents of scientific publications are available in full, free and free text on the internet, it does not charge any costs to the author or authors for submitting, editing or publishing the manuscript and undertakes to disseminate the published works on open access indexing services.
What do you need to know?
The journal Actualidades Biológicas is an open access, peer-reviewed journal, specialized in the publication of high-quality unpublished manuscripts, the product of biological science research. The Journal has a 49-year history. It receives manuscripts throughout the year and publishes two issues online annually in July and December. The manuscripts must be registered in any of the following topics: Biotechnology; Genetics; Cellular biology; Molecular biology; Ecology of populations, communities and ecosystems; Systematics of biotic diversity. Electronic publication is free for authors.