Genetic inferences about paternity in the Paisa community from Antioquia, Colombia
paternity testing, genetic markers, Colombia, genetics, Antioquia, population genetics, blood groups, polymarkerResumo
This paper compiles gene frequencies of classical, and DNA genetic markers in order to solve the power of non exclusion of paternity were used. The first way was the Bayesian approach that compute a likelihood ratio of the trio with the putative father as real father versus the trio with the real father as a random male. This likelihood ratio or paternity index can be transformed into a posterior probability if a prior probability of paternity is supplied. The other approach was that of the computation of the probability that a random male would not be excluded by at least one of the tests given the phenotypes of the mother and child. In this case, we carried out the estimation of the paternity index and of the non-exclusion probability. Both of these measures are computed for each locus separately and cumulated over all loci. All analyses are exemplified by using a real example. Finally, we estimated the paternity exclusion probability by using the Ohno et al. equation for each locus with n alleles.
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