An approximation to corporate social responsibility in Colombia from accounting and public interest


  • Jessica Vélez Rojas Jaime Isaza Cadavid Colombian Polytechnic
  • John Fredy Ortiz Londoño Jaime Isaza Cadavid Colombian Polytechnic
  • Manuela Gallego Arroyave Jaime Isaza Cadavid Colombian Polytechnic


corporate social responsibility, public interest, accounting, interest groups


Within the  official  texts  that  regulate  and directionwhat  to  do  accounting  and  its  dynamics,  it  is emphasized to express the commitment to the public interest that havethe accountants, as itisexpressed in  thelaw  43  of 1990. One  of  the  obligations  of  this  social  group,  is  to  ensure  the  interests  of  the community, however, accounting practices reveal a distortion of this conception of public interest towards a particular interest.In that sense, it is intended to analyze the incidence of accounting, from the focus of the public interest, in the corporate social responsibilityin Colombia, as its information is predominantly limited  to  being  useful  to stockholders,  excluding  the  multiple  interest  groups  that  organizations  have, such as employees and unemployedpeople, the communities, the environment and the society in general.

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Author Biographies

Jessica Vélez Rojas, Jaime Isaza Cadavid Colombian Polytechnic

Faculty of Economic Sciences.

John Fredy Ortiz Londoño, Jaime Isaza Cadavid Colombian Polytechnic

Faculty of Economic Sciences.

Manuela Gallego Arroyave, Jaime Isaza Cadavid Colombian Polytechnic

Faculty of Economic Sciences.


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How to Cite

Vélez Rojas, J., Ortiz Londoño, J. F., & Gallego Arroyave, M. (2019). An approximation to corporate social responsibility in Colombia from accounting and public interest. Adversia, (22), 1–13. Retrieved from



Contabilidad y Finanzas