Artistic sublimation and its object


  • David González National University of Cordoba



sublimation, art, Freud, Lacan, Thing


This article deals with the conceptualization of artistic sublimation in Freud's work and Lacan's teaching in order to elucidate similarities and differences, and so it updates the concept in terms of the theoretical discussion. In that way, an exploratory route of the concept is carried out in both authors. From a psychoanalytic perspective, the concepts of object and Thing –contained in the Lacanian definition of sublimation–are redefined.

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Author Biography

David González, National University of Cordoba

Degree in Psychology, National University of Córdoba. Associate professor of the Bachelor's degree and member of research teams based in the CIFFyH (Research Center of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the National University of Córdoba) and CIECS - CONICET - UNC (Center for Research and Cultural Studies and Social - CONICET Executing Unit - National University of Córdoba). He has studied for the Doctorate of Arts at UNC.


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Heidegger,M. (1994) La Cosa.En Conferencias y artículos. (E. Barjau, trad.) Barcelona, España: Ediciones del Serbal. (Conferencia dictada en 1949). Recuperada de:

Kant,I. (2007) Crítica del Juicio (M. García Morente, Ed. y Trad.) Madrid, España: Espasa Calpe (Trabajo original publicado en 1790).

Lacan,J. (2006) Seminario, Libro 11, Los cuatro conceptos fundamentales del psicoanálisis.(J.-A. Miller (Ed.) J.L. Delmont-Mauri, J. Sucre y D. Rabinovich (Trads.)).Buenos Aires, Argentina: Paidós (Semina-rio dictado en 1964).

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How to Cite

González, D. (2012). Artistic sublimation and its object. Affectio Societatis, 9(17), 1–11.



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