The passions of being, traces of a real in the subject: on the logics of interpretation of desire in neurosis


  • Ana Victoria Saldarriaga University of Paris



affection, passion, fundamental fantasy, interpretation of desire, subject's position in relation to being and jouissance


In Seminar VI, Desire and its Interpretation (1958-59), Jacques Lacan examines and interprets the dream and fantasies of an Ella Sharp's patient. This paper reports on the three logical moments in Lacan's interpretation of desire in such formations of the unconscious, namely, the imaginary restitution, the symbolic restitution, and the real restitution of the affections and passions of being. It also indicates how, from the latter restitution, Lacan places the subject's position in relation to being and jouissance in a fantasy that, in its particularity, is one of the most universal.
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Author Biography

Ana Victoria Saldarriaga, University of Paris

Degree in Spanish and Literature, and Master in Linguistics, University of Antioquia. Master of Psychoanalysis, Paris 8. University. Second-year Ph.D. student in Psychoanalysis at Paris 8. University. Psychoanalyst, member of the World Association of Psychoanalysis (A.M.P.) and of the New Lacanian School, NEL-Medellín (Colombia).


Freud, S. 1978).Lo inconsciente. En: J. Strachey (Ed.) y J.L. Etcheverry y L. Wolfson (Trads.), Obras completas(Vol. XIV). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Amorrortu (Trabajo original publicado en 1915).

Lacan, J. (2013).Le séminaire, livre VI, Le désir et son interprétation. Paris, Francia:Editions de la Martinière-Le Champ Freudienne.(Trabajo original de 1958-59).

Lacan, J. (2004).Seminario X, La angustia. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Paidós. (Trabajo original de 1962-63).

Sharp, E.(2007).Analyse d‟un rêve unique. En: Ella Sharp lue par Lacan. (Dir. Marie-Lyse Lauth). Paris, Francia: Editions Hermann. (Trabajo original publicado en 1937).31VI, 3.



How to Cite

Saldarriaga, A. V. (2014). The passions of being, traces of a real in the subject: on the logics of interpretation of desire in neurosis. Affectio Societatis, 11(21), 39–56.